Installation Service

OxWall Prepaid Installation Service
The process of installing YouNet’s Oxwall plugins is as easy as a piece of cake. However, if you are too busy to install our products, we can do a professional installation for you.
- 10 USD / product / One-time installation
- This service applies to installation of YouNet products only
- Installation Fee is NOT refundable.
- For installing other providers’ products, please contact us for more details
Needed information:
- Site URL, Admin login information, FTP root access, Cpanel root access
- The provided information must be submitted in the Client Area (one ticket for each product separately)
This service can also be as another method for paying other purchases such as: Splash Login Integration, Custom Work, etc.

Mobile Application - Build Service
- Once the Application is built, if there is any change which is made by you, extra fee might be charged.
- If your Mobile Application purchase is over 1 months and you’d like to upgrade or rebuild application for your site.
- Any major release with new features and enhancement, should you need your Application to be rebuild, kindly purchase “Mobile Application Build” service
- Once the application is built and approved, should you need to rebuild application for any change – including logo, splash login page, color, etc. . kindly purchase with “Splash Login Page” redesign.
- If your Application is customized, extra fee will be charged and we’ll provide quotation case-by-case.
- Build Service Fee is NOT refundable.
Needed information: if you purchase “Application Build” with “Splash Login Page” redesign, kindly submit the new ticket in the Client Area with new Landing Page